Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shopping Consignment

Everybody has an "in these tough economic times" tip. Well for me...I'm just thrifty and have loved going to consignment shops for years. Good deals and a big step up over some of the things on offer at Goodwill ;-)

SO in the essence of sharing, here are some places to check out next time you are in Asheville, NC.

If you like designer (without the price tag) check out Constance Consignment off I26: the Long Shoals exit. I just checked it out last week and I LOVE it! They are having a 30% off sale on some of their items.

While you are out that way check out Serendipity, I have a feeling it will be a hit & miss type. But I found the cutest little shrug in there.

etc. has always been a favorite of mine. They have sales on different color coded tags different days of the week.

I've been to Clothes Encounters, not in awhile...they're ok too a bit hit & miss.

Another not on this little map is in downtown Asheville across from the Fine Arts Theater. Next-to-New it is the Junior League's consignment shop. I've found some nice things in there as well.

Happy shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Picture courtesy of the Laurel of Asheville:
